Including Criminal Code, Highway Traffic, Income Tax, and Regulatory Offences

Simulated (and Real) Cross-Examination Services for Self-Represented People

*this article was updated March 28, 2024

Be an astronaut:

An astronaut goes into a simulator to be gyrated and twirled before being rocketed into space. If you are a self-representing accused person and planning on testifying in your own trial, it can be beneficial for you to 'testify' in a simulated, or mock, cross-examination in preparation for the day you are launched into your own trial. As a former prosecutor in the Ottawa courts, as well as Ottawa defence counsel for over 30 years, I am highly skilled at cross-examination, the rules of evidence, and courtroom advocacy.

I respect your desire to represent yourself, whatever your reasons for doing so. So, I can assist you either with full representation, or with unbundled (stand-alone) services such as preparing you for cross-examination in your trial.

What it is:

Cross-examination can be a deeply uncomfortable experience even if, or especially if, you are innocent. At the same time, how you come across on the stand, and the answers you give, may be the deciding factor as to whether you are found guilty or not guilty. When you hire me to prepare you for this crucial step, including by role-play, I am your lawyer, simulating being the crown prosecutor, and our work together is protected by solicitor-client privilege. 

"As always, brilliant."

How it works:

Book a consultation and bring with you a copy of the police disclosure and other documents I may ask for. I will answer all of your questions and discover from you other facts about your case. Once I have received from you all the information I need, I will prepare my cross-examination strategy and questions. Then we can meet again for showtime! Here's a tip - in general, it takes several months for you to fully prepare all of your case, so let's get this cross-examination part under way as soon as you can.

What you will gain:

You will learn so much by the experience of being mock cross-examined that it will help you in all facets of your trial preparation, such as:

  • You will see strengths and weaknesses in your case of which you had not been aware. This may lead you to see a way to satisfactorily settle your case without having to go to trial. I can negotiate this settlement for you.

  • You will discover what evidence you should present, how and when to introduce it, and what format it must take. Knowing the rules of evidence is crucial in defending a criminal charge.

  • You will experience what it is to be challenged in ways you didn't even think were legal! I will give you feedback on your demeanour and reactions.

  • You will learn tips that will help you present your defence in the most effective manner. For example, you will receive my Tip Sheet for Accused People.

How I bill the cross-examination service:

The goal is to achieve a quality trial that takes advantage of all of your rights. This service is billed on an hourly basis and it involves several hours of my time to meet with you, review your file, prepare the cross-examination strategy and questions, conduct the cross-examination itself, provide you with an assessment of how it went, and summarize lessons you can take away from the experience. After the first consultation, I will be able to give you an estimate of total fees. You may also want to explore how I can provide continued assistance with your file going forward.

Think this could help you? Do this next:

Prepare to dive deep into the secret world of advocacy. Book an appointment now by phone at 613.203.4874, or through the form on my website by clicking here.