Including Criminal Code, Highway Traffic, Income Tax, and Regulatory Offences

Join Lisa Christian's Newsletter

*this article was updated on July 26, 2024

Membership to the Subscriber List closes to new subscribers on August 1, 2024

I write short criminal-related articles, and subscribers have included librarians, journalists, yes lawyers and legal support workers, artists and musicians, farmers, authors, medical practitioners, business owners, high-tech workers, retired persons, community volunteers, former clients,  accountants, financial planners, friends, day-care operators, family, neighbours, and more. When you subscribe, you will receive an email from me each month or so with short criminal-related legal articles and news about up-coming specials. I will never intentionally share your email. No spam. Unsubscribe anytime by reply email. 

Join through the contact form on my main website or call me at 613.203.4874. There is a cap on the number of people who receive the newsletter, and the subscriber list is set to close to new subscribers on August 1, 2024. Contact me if you missed the deadline and would like to be added to the list. 

August's issue will be titled 'Resources Anthology'. It offers you access to lots of inside baseball type of legal information written by me. 

June's issue was titled 'The Police Called...' It covered what to do when you receive a message from the police asking you to come to the station for an interview. 

July's issue was titled 'Financial Abuse'. How to extract someone from it. I offered three considerations to keep in mind before acting. Then I explained my comprehensive vision of one possible remedy. And even gave a 'pro tip'. 

Subscribe through the contact form on my main website to receive it, or call me at 613.203.4874.

Here are some comments I have received from long-time subscribers:

"You write so well - one of the best newsletters out there..."

"Your take on criminal law is truly unique, and valuable." 

"You write a fine newsletter!"

"I am so thankful to receive Lisa's newsletters! They are chock full of practical and interesting tidbits!"

"Excellent advice in this newsletter..."

"I always learn a lot being on your mailing list."

"I always enjoy reading your letters. They are all excellent. You are a very smart lady!"

"I have found your newsletter to be highly informative and helpful to me."

"I have written before to ensure you know how much I appreciate your newsletters, I always learn something."

"Your content is always well written and informative."

"These are very good, Lisa. I enjoy receiving them."

"I’m interested in what you have to say, providing insight into a world I know little about."

"I always enjoy your brief newsletters."

"I enjoy reading your newsletters both for the style of writing and the content - glimpses into a world I know little about."

"Just wanted to say that I always learn a lot from your newsletter."

"Thanks for sending me your News Letter...always good information and legal advice."

"They are always so well written and serve as a refresher for me."

"Love getting your newsletters."

"You are providing a valuable service to those of us who rarely encounter the legal system, and my hat is off to you for doing this."

"As always, informative and practical.'

Join Us

Simulated (and Real) Cross-Examination Services for Self-Represented People

*this article was updated March 28, 2024

Be an astronaut:

An astronaut goes into a simulator to be gyrated and twirled before being rocketed into space. If you are a self-representing accused person and planning on testifying in your own trial, it can be beneficial for you to 'testify' in a simulated, or mock, cross-examination in preparation for the day you are launched into your own trial. As a former prosecutor in the Ottawa courts, as well as Ottawa defence counsel for over 30 years, I am highly skilled at cross-examination, the rules of evidence, and courtroom advocacy.

I respect your desire to represent yourself, whatever your reasons for doing so. So, I can assist you either with full representation, or with unbundled (stand-alone) services such as preparing you for cross-examination in your trial.

Canadian Criminal Procedure - Infographic

I went off brand with the look, but the content is dead on with essential stages of a criminal case presented simply, and it includes expected timelines for each stage of your case in 2024.

"It's amazing! It's so full of life and colour - you don't expect a Chart of Criminal Procedure to be anything but dull." 

"It is adorable." 

"I particularly liked the chart which conveys some important info about the process and time frames in a simple and easy to read format."

Client Trauma and Health

I have successfully handled thousands of Ottawa cases over 30 years, mostly in the area of criminal law or matters that were related to criminal law, both as defence counsel and as a prosecutor. During that time there have been many changes to the laws and legal procedures, but the principles of providing a positive client experience have remained the same. As part of that, I create helpful resources for clients such as a paper on Client Trauma and Health. I describe it, and give instructions on how to order it, below.

Having a legal problem can be very traumatic, especially with the current long court delays and increasingly complex legal arguments.

'This is of great concern, for sure. Thank you for acknowledging this point!!!'

'Excellent and very thorough in terms of covering the needs of such persons.'

'It’s great of you to offer these additional services, and to be sensitive to these people and their trauma.'

'Really well written! Easy, engaging read.'

'I love that you recognize and support all the various emotions one would go through in such instances. Your help in that way is above and beyond.'

Based on my observation of my own clients, it is common for clients to experience a variety of reactions when going through the nightmare that the legal system can be.

Private Victim/Witness Assistance Program in Ottawa

*this article was updated on May 1, 2024

I defend people who are charged with offences. I also represent victims and witnesses who want someone with my background on their side. You can learn more about my background at 'Lisa's Message' by clicking here.

Like my defence representation, this is a private service - it is not associated with government at all. I offer it as an alternative to, or in addition to, the various government or government-funded agencies that provide similar services. My program is different in these respects:

1. No conflict of interest.

You may feel that your interests are in opposition to government or government-funded agencies. Since I am a private lawyer whom you retain (hire) directly, there is no conflict of interest with me.

2. Solicitor-client privilege to discuss evidence.

Whereas some other agencies or organizations have a policy to not discuss the evidence of your case, we will discuss it in detail if you like. We can do that because our discussions are solicitor-client privileged.

Client Kit - A service feature

*this article was updated on June 28, 2024

One of the outstanding features of my practice is the high level of traditional client service I provide. This includes access to me on my cell phone seven days a week, as many in-person or telephone meetings as you like, timely updates to you about your file, and no requirements for you to learn new software to interact with me.

The Client Kit is one of the service features I offer and it is available to all new clients. Here is a review:

Your Client Kit is catchy, acute, cusped, acicular prickly keen and craggy!

It contains information such as

  • how to reach me

  • how to prepare for our meetings

  • a discussion of fees 

  • the concepts of confidentiality and solicitor-client privilege

  • explanations of legal terminology you may encounter

  • links to other valuable resources I have created

  • a worksheet, checklist, and note-taking guide I have created for you that will help for sure!

Tips for Accused People - Appearing in the Ontario Court of Justice for Your Criminal Trial

This 2-page PDF covers how to dress, where to sit, when to stand, what to bring, what not to bring, what to call the judge and your lawyer, what not to do, and other good-to-know practicalities that apply in many courts. 

        "Thank you so much for this great resource."

        "This is great."

Representation by Ottawa lawyer Lisa Christian - Sample Cases

*this article was updated on July 26, 2024 and is not legal advice

  • advice to victims and witnesses (I have extensive experience with victims and witnesses both as a former prosecutor and as defence counsel)

  • arrests and arrest warrants (including in-depth knowledge of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)

  • assault (including sexual and partner assault)

  • border-crossing issues (including for vacation travel, or the restrictions against purchasing of residential land by non-Canadians)

  • careless driving (especially where there has been an accident)

  • civil disobedience (recently winning a case when the action was statute-barred by a limitation period)

  • estate litigation when fraud was alleged

  • commercial crime (also called by some 'white collar' crime)

  • contempt of court (including family court, superior court, and tax court)

  • corporate dissolution (especially where you may be facing penalties for non-compliance in maintaining or using your corporation)

  • Correctional Service of Canada communications

  • criminal records (staying abreast of the changes in collection and management of this data)

  • dangerous driving (including hit and run, whether you have been caught yet or not) 

  • disciplinary sanctions against professionals by their governing bodies, or being denied a professional license, or being subject to an audit (PEO, RECO, CPSO, CRPO, LSO, or others)

Are You in Ottawa Criminal Court or Under Investigation?

*this article was updated on January 20, 2024

If you are charged or under investigation by the government or police, you may be having some of the 22(!) thoughts below. You can speak to me about your worries, and I'll let you know which of these concerns are justified, and what I can do to get you the best possible result for your situation. The list is not exhaustive, and is not legal advice. Call me to discuss your particular case.

1. Worried about how charges will effect your family law situation regarding child custody or support payments?

Consultation Process for Criminal (and other) Cases

* this article was updated on June 15, 2024 to add the 'special feature'

When you book a consultation I may ask you to send me documents prior to the appointment, such as a paper you may have received from the police or court telling you of your criminal charge and next court date. Or previous correspondence you may have had with the federal authorities regarding your legal matter. Or relevant emails to which you have access. Or a copy of the government application with which you need help. I'll let you know what to consider giving me in advance if you are comfortable doing so, or to bring to the consultation.

And I may send to you my very popular Pre-Consultation Worksheet. It contains 7 key questions to set us up for an excellent consultation. (Psssst - Ask for my entire complementary Client Kit, which contains additional useful information and resources - updated for 2024!)

At our meeting, whether in person, by phone, or virtually, I will help you define your legal problem, explain the relevant procedures, offer solutions, and describe further steps you could decide to take. Already know what you want to have happen? Great! I will try to make that happen, or find an even better solution.

Special feature: Will you need a little more time to process the information we cover at a consultation? Let me know and I'll book you an extra 15 minutes for no extra charge.

With over thirty years of practise, I've gained experience in many types of law. And each year I take numerous continuing education courses in various legal subjects (unbelievable how quickly the laws change!). Please go ahead and ask me your questions even if they are not criminal related - I'll let you know if I can help.

Did you know:

Referrals to Lisa Christian, Ottawa Lawyer

*this article was updated on July 26, 2024

It can be awkward suggesting that your friend, family member, customer, patient, or client seek the help of a lawyer, especially if their legal issue involves criminal charges or a police investigation. But sometimes it is the right thing to do, and you will have the comfort of knowing that their legal matter will be appropriately addressed.

Making the Referral

If you know someone who could benefit from my services, this article will make it easy for you to refer them to me. Simply copy the link to this article from the address bar above, and paste it in an email to them.

Being Referred

1. All of our communications are confidential, from the first phone call or email. No one outside of my firm will know you even contacted me, unless you authorise me to tell them.

2. There are no fees for the first contact with me. If we are going forward, I will give you a fee quote for legal advice or information. Payment plans are offered for on-going services. 

3. I will handle your case personally. Read my bio at my main website by clicking here.